Friday, September 10, 2010


I've been reading a lot lately and writing not at all. I'm brimming with ideas, but this week has been a mess for a lot of reasons. I'm a fan of routines, but I also self-diagnosed myself with ADD. I get bored really easily and hate going back and re-doing things.

Going to avoid Ritalin though. Have a busy weekend planned with two dinner parties (was going to be three) one we are hosting, and a lunch date with family from out of town.

I find myself reassured by a lot of what I am reading. Most of it is well written. But it's not that kind of well-written that makes me wonder why I'm bothering. It's small arrogances like this that keep me going


  1. You know we are our own worst critics. Hang in there...mebbe you need an objective critic, just like I do.
